1040 Industrial Parkway
Medina, OH 44256
P: (330) 725-8845
F: (330) 723-1995
E: sales@mwmielke.com
1164 Gibbard Avenue
Columbus, OH 43219
P: (614) 655-4740
F: (330) 723-1995
E: sales@mwmielke.com
3001 N 36th St
Tampa, FL 33605
1164 Gibbard Avenue
Columbus, OH 43219
P: (330) 725-8845
F: (330) 723-1995
E: sales@mwmielke.com
1040 Industrial Parkway
Medina, OH 44256
Generosity Encouraged
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9 6-7 NIV
MIELKE Foundation
At MIELKE we have been richly blessed with an abundance of good people and good fortune. The MIELKE Foundation was established to take a portion of our yearly profits and use them for good works. The Foundation has two primary missions; the first is to support MIELKE employees and their families who may be experiencing hardships based on health or other difficult life circumstances. The second is to reach the orphaned and foster children of our society who, through no fault of their own, have been catapulted into extremely difficult circumstances that no child should ever have to face. The Foundation seeks to provide support to these children by supporting permanent placement in loving adoptive families as well as providing quality of life enhancements that will allow them to experience simple life pleasures as all children should.
Charitable Initiatives
We have been privileged to offer support to the following philanthropic organizations and encourage you to consider these organizations in your charitable works.